

e-SAM Type-Ahead is HG-Digital’s ‘incremental find’ address validation tool. It provides users the ability to find a valid postal or physical address using minimal keystrokes. e-SAM Type-Ahead returns addresses which are derived from authoritative datasets from providers including NZ Post, Land Information NZ and Statistics NZ.

Compare these examples with other address searches sites:

  • 17/43 devonport road
  • 11 hawker street
  • 101 queen pan
  • Smith street
  • 1 sh 1
  • po box 10115 we
  • private bag 9 nel
  • cmb nel
  • counter chr
  • 101 well


e-SAM Corner-Of lets users search for locations by street intersection. The use of intelligent ‘incremental find’ functionality saves time in data entry and ensures a user friendly experience.

Try the examples below to see how fewer keystrokes are required to return a unique location.

  • ‘glo man’
  • ‘fea war’
  • ‘que vic’
  • ‘nga kai’
  • ‘bid wal’
Address Line 1:


    e-SAM Find-Address is HG-Digital’s multi-line form based address validation tool. It provides users the ability to matching an address against valid postal or physical addresses. e-SAM Find-Address returns addresses which are derived from authoritative datasets from providers including NZ Post, Land Information NZ and Statistics NZ.

    Try the examples below:

    • 17/43 devonport road
    • 11 hawker street
    • po box 10115 wellington
    • private bag 9 nel
    • cmb nel
    • counter chr
    • 101 well

    About e-SAM Type–Ahead:

    e-SAM Type-Ahead is HG-Digital’s ‘incremental find’ address validation tool.
    It provides users the ability to find a valid postal or physical address using minimal keystrokes. e-SAM Type-Ahead returns addresses which are derived from authoritative datasets from providers including NZ Post, Land Information NZ and Statistics NZ.

    How e-SAM Type-Ahead can be used:

    e-SAM Type-Ahead can be integrated with any of your enterprise systems including:
    • Your CRM, assisting with the reduction of your average call handling times in your Contact Centre or Telephone Sales team
    • Internal applications for ease of use when entering an address
    • Your website ensuring your customers can rest assured knowing their website order will be delivered to their address even if it is a floor, flat or unit

    Why e-SAM Type-Ahead?

    • e-SAM Type-Ahead is your one source of the truth, specifically designed to cater to all your addressing needs
    • It is a location intelligence enabler, providing your organisation the ability to make invaluable business decisions
    • Can be appended to your internal datasets and other valuable reference datasets to return key location related information serving your organisations specific needs
    • Returns meshblock id’s and geographical coordinates to be used by your existing location and mapping technologies

    About e-SAM Corner-Of:

    e-SAM Corner-Of lets users search for locations by street intersection. The use of intelligent ‘incremental find’ functionality saves time in data entry and ensures a user friendly experience. Try the examples below to see how minimal keystrokes are required to return a unique location.

    How e-SAM Corner-Of can be used:

    e-SAM Corner-Of is designed for integration into on-line systems:
    • To enable the capture of physical locations when exact addresses are unknown
    • To provide a physical location for dispatch purposes e.g. emergency response, courier companies and taxi companies

    Harrison Grierson Digital

    Physical Address: 16 Gilmer Terrace
    Wellington Central
    Wellington 6011
    New Zealand

    Postal Address: PO Box 2313
    Corporate Mail Centre
    Wellington 6140
    New Zealand

    Phone: 64 4 385 0005